Man vs snakeトレントをダウンロードする


snakeとは。意味や和訳。[名]C1 《動物》ヘビ;(一般にトカゲのような)両生類a venomous [poisonous] snake毒ヘビ2 (曲がった管を掃除する)スネーク(plumber's snake),(電線をつけて導管を通す)リード線3 ((略式))陰険[冷酷 snake の類義語 A snake is 蛇. A serpent is a large snake, but the word is mostly used in literary contexts.|Serpent is more old fashioned. Snake is commonly used.|Both snake and serpent can be used interchangeably but in modern usage serpent is used mainly as metaphor especially to describe someone who is very deceptive. Also in mythology a serpent is a snake…


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1 Sep 2015 Nine years after the events of MGSV: GROUND ZEROES and the fall of Mother Base, Snake a.k.a. Big Boss, awakens from a nine year coma. The year is 1984. The Cold War serves as the backdrop as nuclear weapons 

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